Last updated on October 21st, 2022 at 10:23 pm
One of the most popular questions we get from social media users is, “how to see what my girlfriend likes on Instagram”.
In this guide, I will guide you on how to find what your girlfriend likes on Instagram.
Easiest Ways to See What Your Girlfriend Likes on Instagram
There are simple ways to check your girlfriend’s activities on the photo-sharing platform.
You can do this by tapping the picture of anyone and looking for the username of your girlfriend among the users that have liked the picture.
Alternatively, you can sign into your girlfriend’s TikTok account; then, you can easily discover what she likes from her account activity.
If you incidentally gain access to your girlfriend’s account, do the following:
- Go to and select the profile.
- Select Settings.
- Next, select Account and access the “Posts you’ve Liked” option.
Here’s another important question you may ask, “how to know if your girlfriend is cheating on Instagram”.
How to Know if Your Girlfriend is Cheating on Instagram
Acting Sneaky With Their Phone
An obvious way to find out if your girlfriend is cheating on Instagram is when she acts sneaky with her phone.
She won’t immediately put away her phone when you enter the room if she is not hiding anything.
If honest and true to herself, she won’t hide her phone screen to conceal texts. And she certainly won’t receive phone calls in a different room.
So be on your guard if you find your girlfriend murmuring on their phone in the toilet with the door shut or always sending texts in the backyard.
Frequently Liking or Adding Comments on a Particular User’s Picture
Have you noticed that your girlfriend enjoys “liking” or adding comments to a particular user’s pictures on Instagram?
It may be that she is infatuated with that person and likely to cheat. Socialization entails communicating with everyone.
But a sign of romantic attraction is when we ignore everyone else and concentrate on a particular person.
Always Talking About a New Person
When we have feelings for a person, we always bring them up in discussions, even with our loved ones.
It is like our brain is so obsessed with them that our mouth keeps mentioning their name. Not only that.
You also notice that your girlfriend engages with their posts or photos. She can like or always comment with a quirky, humorous or amusing remark.
She can also share compliments. This is beyond infrequent conversations between ex. It becomes cheating when a behavior pattern emerges from these engagements.
Ignore Your Comments and Tags
Does every comment you leave on your girlfriend’s Instagram posts seem ignored or overlooked?
Are there events where she untags you from Instagram posts? This is a strong sign and shouldn’t be treated lightly.
Your girlfriend is implying to everyone on Instagram that you don’t matter. She is creating the impression that she is single.
This can cause a lot of problems and may lead to cheating. So, you should tackle this now.
You Stop Texting Each Other
Apart from not reacting to your Instagram comments, you will also realize that your girlfriend doesn’t chat you up on the platform.
Although she is investing time with her mobile device, you have ceased to be the center of attention.
So who is she focusing on?
It is easy to know this. Just observe if there is one particular Instagram user she is infatuated with. You will find out by the number of comments he leaves on her Instagram page.
She Posts Thirst Traps and Gorgeous Selfies
There was a time when you uploaded pictures of you and your girlfriend, cuddling and smiling at each other.
Now your girlfriend seems to enjoy posting gorgeous selfies and thirst traps on Instagram. It is beginning to look like you have disappeared.
It’s a strategy she is using to say to everyone, “Hi there. I am very attractive. Check me out. And, yes. I am single.”
Chuckling and Laughing on Their Phones
It’s always nice to see something funny on your phone, but won’t it be merrier if your partner shares in it?
It can be very annoying when someone laughs due to the content on their phone, and you enquire, “what’s that?” and they reply,” it’s nothing”, and keep laughing.
It’s a childish and rude attitude. It is also a strong pointer to cheating.
Late Night Chat
This is commonly known as “micro-cheating” and is the bridge between casual flirting and deceitful behavior.
Studies have shown that most men consider chatting with other guys “cheating.”
This kind of chat entails the use of romantic emoticons and engaging with a particular user’s Instagram pictures. If it takes place at night, it becomes even more sinister.
They Frequently Add New Beautiful “Friends”
Every time new people make an entrance into our lives. But have you noticed your girlfriend frequently adds nice-looking and beautiful friends on Instagram?
There is a likelihood that she is seeking some illicit flings via Instagram.
It’s quite fishy for a woman who’s in a serious relationship to continue to add male to her friend list based on their appearance.
She is definitely not engaging in any intellectual conversations with them about particle physics. She is most likely having an affair.
Like Someone’s Old Pictures on Instagram
This signals that she has been browsing through an Instagram user’s account for plenty of hours.
Imagine a person “liking” a photo or post that is three months old; it shows she has been sifting through posts for an incredible amount of time.
For someone to commit all that time to go through someone else’s Instagram account, there needs to be some emotional investment.
This is an obsessional behavior. It is known as “deep surfing” if they eventually own up to it. This can be very deceitful.
She Always Has Her Phone With Her
Remember the good old days when your girlfriend had to be regularly reminded where her phone was because he couldn’t find it?
Those days are now gone. Your girlfriend is now stuck with her phone.
Currently, her phone is password-protected or switched off when she’s asleep.
In the past, you would exchange phones or use her phone to listen to some music. Now that is off-limits.
Her Contact List Has Some Weird Names
Have you got your hands on your girlfriend’s and taken a look at the names in her contact list?
Do they have weird names like a number or single letters?
For instance, have you found names like “Joyce maintenance worker” or “Barbie computer guy”? And you know for certain that your girlfriend does not need a computer guy?
This should raise your suspicion.
See What My girlfriend Likes on Instagram FAQs
Why do I see the same user at the top of my Instagram story?
This is because the Instagram algorithm has learnt that you consistently engage with the user’s content.
Thus, the user ranks at the top of your Instagram Stories list. It could also be that that is the account you are obsessed with.
Is the “photos liked by” feature on Instagram still functional?
No, it is no longer functional. Although, it really helped because you can simply view posts liked by anyone by typing “Photo liked by [insert username]” and clicking “enter”.
We hope Instagram brings it back.
Why does my boyfriend show up first on my Instagram story?
This is due to Instagram algorithms. It highlights the profiles you most connect with first before any other. You must have checked out his pictures too much lately or messaged him frequently.
How do I use the “Photo liked by” feature on Instagram?
- Navigate to the search bar.
- Input the term “photos liked”
- Input “photos liked { insert username}
However, this feature is currently not available on Instagram anymore.
Can you capture anyone’s Instagram likes?
Yes. To see who liked or commented on anyone’s post or newly followed any user, use your phone’s screenshot feature while on the user’s page or profile.
How does Instagram select “liked by”?
Instagram algorithms will reveal users who have engaged with or interacted with your post in the past. The names of people who have liked or commented on your post consistently will be at the top.
How do I find out who newly followed my girlfriend on Instagram?
There are two simple ways you can check who followed anyone on Instagram:
- Navigate to the Instagram page of the user and select the “followers” tab.
- Alternatively, access the activity tab, and you will track the user’s activities.
How do you check my user activity on Instagram?
- Navigate to your Instagram profile and select the hamburger icon in the upper right corner.
- Select settings. Access the privacy option and select “Activity status.”
Is it possible to cheat on Instagram?
Instagram is not a photo-sharing social media app where users not only share pictures but exchange texts through the messaging feature. Thus, it is easier to send anyone texts when you have followed or connected with them.
Although the “liked by” feature on Instagram has been removed, there are other ways you can check who your girlfriend likes on Instagram.
This article covered those methods. We also explained how to find out if your girlfriend is cheating on Instagram. Don’t forget to share the article with your loved ones on social media.
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