Last updated on September 10th, 2022 at 08:54 pm
“Envato Elements” is a resource website for graphic designers, web designers, video creators, educationists and business owners.
It is owned by Envato, a popular subscription-based platform which offers digital assets such as templates, fonts, music clips, pictures, WordPress themes and other visual elements.
It serves all categories of content creators, regardless of whether they are newbies or professionals.
As mentioned, Envato Elements has a pricing model based on subscription payments. Now, if your career as a visual creator or web designer is just taking off or you are undergoing a learning process, it might be hard for you to make payments for subscriptions.
So how do you get Envato Elements Premium for free?
You can use the premium cookies of Envato Elements as a workaround to access Elements Premium without paying. This will give you free access to digital assets on the platform.
In this article, we will explain the process of getting premium cookies and how to use them to utilize Envato Elements premium accounts free of charge.
About Envato Elements
As we mentioned earlier, Envato Element is a subset of Envato.
It is a wide-ranging store for every digital asset you want. You can access them via subscription payments, and there are different prices attached to every plan.
On the platform, you will find stock video clips, music, game effects, pictures, presentation templates, WordPress Templates, add-ons, fonts and others.
It has a catalogue rich in:
- Unlimited top-quality themes to install
- Unlimited complex and specialized plugins
- Unlimited website fonts for optimization and upgrade.
- License-free pictures and video clips
- Symbols and logos
- Web templates and 3D files
Envato Elements Library
In the Envato Elements library, you can find the following categories of digital assets:
Stock video
Are you planning to optimize or add quality to your content?
Envato Elements features lots of high-definition and 4k video clips, graphic sequences, visual effects, animation, media suites and lots more.
Video Templates
Looking to design an appealing video intro that will grab the attention of viewers? Envato video templates will cater to your needs.
Are you in need of a unique soundtrack for your video?
The Envato Elements library is a nice place to discover great audio tracks from premium license-free music clips from a variety of genres.
Sound Effects for Video
Wanna delve into the business of recreating video effects for cinematic production? Envato Elements has everything you need to groom your skills.
Graphics Templates
Are you searching for promotional templates for your digital marketing campaign? Get better sales and engagement with Envato Elements graphics templates.
Improve brand recognition and visibility of your business with a wide catalogue of graphics from Envato Elements.
Presentation Templates
Your presentations can be entertaining and appealing! With these templates, it is possible to craft a likeable, beautiful presentation with no hassles.
At times, you’d need a nice image to attach to your blog article. Improve the appeal of your online pages by adding top-tier images from the Envato Elements library.
WordPress Themes & Plugins
Designing an excellent website is simple by using one of the WordPress templates or themes from the Envato library.
And many more!
Envato Elements’ Subscription & Pricing
Envato Element has four pricing packages: Students, individuals, teams, and enterprises. While the subscription price for an individual is $16.5 per month.
This is ideal for one user who isn’t a member of a team. If you are working with five people, we recommend the team plan, which goes for $10.75 monthly for each member.
Students can enjoy a price cut of 30% on the subscription plan.
You need to be a college student to claim this offer.
There is also an enterprise pricing package for businesses and organizations. Enterprises can tailor their plans to suit their needs and pay corresponding fees.
Envato Elements Premium Cookies
The easiest way to freely access Envato Element is to use Premium cookies.
This way, you can utilize those digital assets without any need for subscription payments.
It is 100% safe to use because they don’t record your personal data, so you won’t encounter any privacy issues. They are user-friendly.
However, to use them, you have to import them to your web browser.
To freely access Envato Elements premium cookies, check out the next section:
Using Premium Cookies to Get Envato Elements for Free
Now that you have learned about Envato Elements premium cookies, the next step is to put them to use.
First, it is crucial that you import the cookies into your web browser; this is the only way to utilize them.
It is an easy thing to do, and if you have no idea how to import them, this article will guide you.
Here is a step-by-step method for using Premium Cookies on your web browser.
The browser used in this guide is the Google Chrome Browser. However, you are free to use whichever browser you like as long as it allows the use of extensions.
- Run the Chrome browser on your desktop PC.
- Next, navigate to the Chrome web store or click here to access the platform.
- Then, on the search bar, type in “Cookie-Editor” extension and choose the first option on the list or click this link.
- Next, select the “Add to Chrome” option to install the extension to your web browser.
- After downloading the extension, tap on the extension icon beside the address bar.
- Next, select on Cookie-Editor extension. You can easily pin the extension to your browser for convenience’s sake.
- Once this is done, navigate to the Envato Elements website by clicking the link.
- Next, select the Cookie Editor extension to access it. Then, select the Bin option to erase all recently used cookies.
- Here, tap the insert button.
- Next, copy/paste the Envato Element cookie listed below
- After that is done, select the insert button yet again.
Envato Element Cookie
“domain”: “”,
“expirationDate”: 1663235376,
“hostOnly”: true,
“httpOnly”: false,
“name”: “CookieConsent”,
“path”: “/”,
“sameSite”: null,
“secure”: true,
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“value”: “Z01QRWs0dGlLU3RqS0t2cjhHY3c1dU1nVUtzTGFXL2ZBQkZFTlR1Skl1dDRYVDVGckszM3A1WGF6ZGpjaElMZk4rQjZWK0pHYkV6Z3o2ZzVNN1ZzVjJwYkV3alRnemtJQjFBQS9CVWoyaUhYU2JibjFvTEYyL2RlRTdEVlphMUZFZDAwdEp3WFBWZGZ5bTJaaG5KcnBOVkxmbk4wbU92Z3cyODlhRkpEWkRCcDB3eG1SalZVcFhNMzlJb3NuMzFCQkFDd1RyVklCOWt6L1hHdkRrZVc5RFVJZXhnRmhvbjZUT0dBNVZOWThlbkpuOWNnNDh2M0ErL2hWSWNYbDRxS1J0dFN2TjRLbGtkcko2VTlwckFNeWJBelNPR0pZV2x0MENjWVVOWmpiOFE3cWNhd2dQajBjSDV5QmEzZFNZYjVESGMvYXdGMFVRTXNRR0dqeUtITmpEQko4WXdsc01VS1BjTzhURUpkM0QwQisxQ1NaMm5SdGx6V0orUkNIeFdDMmxFWHFiblFIZ2dKdnRZZS82T2xvQT09LS1Qd0xYNnp6K3dnYjRTT2VmcE5SczlnPT0%3D–109de7464e5921c762abf027a2aeec0e7a97d5c8”
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“storeId”: null,
“value”: “”
Next, reload the Envato Elements web page, and you will be able to access the Envato Elements premium account.
Clear Cookies
If you are uninterested in the cookies, you can remove or delete them.
This could be due to experiencing challenges with them or the need to utilize the latest cookies. Here’s how to remove cookies:
- Access the Envato Elements website via your web browser Or click here.
- Next, Select the Cookie-Editor add-on.
- Select the “Delete all” button, and this will remove the cookies.
Best Alternatives to Envato Elements Premium
Storyblocks is an excellent subscription-based music clip, animation and picture platform.
It is widely regarded as the biggest alternative to Envato Elements. Storyblock’s library has close to 2 million premium digital assets, a bit larger than Envator’s.
It also has a higher subscription package of $65 monthly. However, you will enjoy license-free digital assets as well as owned downloaded files after a subscription cancellation.
Vecteezy is home to millions of top-tier quality vector images and illustrations. It is like a paradise for graphic designers.
The platform allows you to access license-free graphics for private, for-profit or marketing use. It also offers a “free-forever” pricing package almost similar to Envato Elements.
Although Envato Elements has a much more diverse library than Vecteezy, the latter is best for graphics and illustration.
If you are a creator, you can search and download an extensive collection of pictures and video clips on Shutterstock.
But one downside of using this platform is its cost, which is highly exorbitant.
For example, five Shutterstock high-definition video clips go for $360! Subscriptions are priced at 49 dollars monthly for individual use.
Free Platforms such as Unsplash, Pixabay or Freepik
Unsplash is a platform that specializes in stock images.
It was acquired by Getty Images in 2021. It has been reported that more than 248 thousand photojournalists and photographers have signed up on the site.
Unsplash also lays claim to over 17 billion picture impressions monthly and a library of close to 4 million images.
It is widely regarded as the best picture website in the world by several critics.
Pixabay is another stock picture and media platform. Pictures, vector illustrations, movie clips and audio tracks are shared for free use on the platform with a Pixabay license.
Freepik is a picture-sharing platform. Over 19 million visual contents are available on the site.
You can find pictures, photoshop documents, graphics, animations and vectors freely shared and designed on the platform. You can make use of these digital assets without making payments.
How to get Envato Elements Premium for Free FAQs
Can I access Envato Elements Premium for free?
Yes. Follow the steps listed in the article above. You can also sign up for a no-cost trial, but it will expire after seven days.
Are Envato Elements worth it?
Yes, Envato Elements is worth its asking price. You will find high-quality digital assets at a low cost.
You can access a vast catalogue of digital assets from the platform and utilize them in your creative work.
Can I download graphics just once?
You can download as many digital assets as you like. They are not limited to just one download. You can re-download them even after the initial download.
Envato Elements is a great platform for getting all the digital assets you need.
However, its subscription costs may discourage budding content creators or web designers from accessing the platform.
In this article, we explored how to use premium cookies to access premium Envato Elements accounts for free.
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