Last updated on January 31st, 2023 at 06:53 pm
Social media has become an incredible tool for job recruiting by brands and businesses. Although, for most platforms, advertising job vacancies come at a good price.
This might not be a problem for large-scale businesses but may not play well for small-scale enterprises if they have to add the cost of job vacancies ads to their cost of production.

Interestingly, small-scale businesses happen to be the bigger employer of labour.
This is where the Facebook platform comes in. In a bid to help small-scale businesses, Facebook has given authorization to business owners on its platform to make use of the Facebook space for job vacancies advertisement.
You can now run an official job vacancy post to fill in a space in your business for free.
The question now will be how to make use of this feature on Facebook. The solution to this is provided as you read along.
Why Post Job on Facebook?
Job recruiting can be very hectic and demanding. Companies and organizations go through a lot to start and end the process of recruiting staff.
This rigorous exercise can go on for days and sometimes does not yield good results. This description of the process of recruiting is not limited to large companies only.
If anything, it can be worse with small-scale businesses since the brand may not be widely known.
Getting the message of the need to be met to the right audience can prove difficult. This is why using Facebook to post job vacancies can be a very good idea.
You will not only be saving costs, but you will also be saving time as well as reaching out to potential service providers.
Facebook has one of the largest populations for a social media platform and has people that are constantly going there in search of jobs.
This makes the space come in handy to serve your recruiting process.
How Facebook Job Post Works
After you create a job post and release it to the Facebook community, it is then managed by the Facebook jobs section.
A job post can be made with details such as the role, title, description, nature (full-time or part-time) etc.
People can access this post directly on the business page and be included in the Facebook Jobs section as well.
While anyone can stumble on the job post made on the business page, Facebook intends to make sure those seeking jobs via the platform can have access to job posts as well.
This is why the details of the post are added to the jobs section of the community.
This way, anyone who searches for a job related to the post made on your page, can have a redirection to your page and can use the “Apply Now” function to submit an automatic application.
Things to Sort Out Before Making a Job Post on Facebook
There are two things to have in place before making an official job post.
- The first is a business page. Facebook does not allow you to make a job post from a normal user account. You need a business page to be able to make use of the official job posting feature. Therefore, if you want to make a professional job post on Facebook, you need to create a page. You can go to the Pages icon in your account, select the create page feature, fill in the necessary data and have your page created.
- Another thing to sort out is how you will want to reach out to those who applied for a job via your Job post. There are two options available; You can make use of Facebook Messenger to send out a message to those who applied for a job or do so via email.
How to Post a Job on Facebook Via Your Business Page
Once you have your business page created, making a job post is very easy. Follow the steps below to do so.
Step 1: Launch your Facebook page
Launch your page through a website or your mobile app.
Remember, this is different from your regular Facebook account, so, you have to log into your page as an administrator of the page to be able to carry out this task on the page.
Step 2: Go to the Job section
On your business page, there is a job section that will enable you to achieve this aim.
Once you have launched your page as an administrator of the page, at the upper right end of the Page, you will find different sections, press the job section.
Step 3: Fill in the Details for the Job Post
After launching the job section, a page will be displayed as a form that needs to be filled. This is for you to add the necessary data for the Job post.
If you wish to have the applications sent to your email, then, you can add your email address under “Receive applications by email”.
Not doing this means subscribing to the default sending of applications to you on Facebook messenger.
You can add details such as the salary, description of the job and other things that can make the most appealing to those who should be applying.
However, it is important to be accurate and honest about what you want and what you are willing to offer so that you do not get to repeat the recruiting process should major problems arise as a result.
Step 4: Review the Job Post
Before releasing the post to the public, you may want to confirm what it will look like when published.
To do so, you can go to the right side of the page and choose the News Feed option.
There are “Mobile News Feed” and “Desktop News Feed”. Just select the one that is appropriate for the device you are using.
Step 5: Publish the Job Post
After getting a preview of the Job post and you are satisfied with the content of the post that is the description, picture, feel etc., you can go ahead and publish the post.
Simply select the “Publish Job Post” feature to have the post released on Facebook.
You can wait for the applications to roll in.
See Also: How to Fix Facebook Job Post Not Working
How to Post a Job on Facebook FAQs
How long can a Job post last on Facebook?
Job posts are allowed to remain in the Jobs section on Facebook for a window period of 30 days the maximum.
You can bring down a post when you no longer need it even before its expiry date.
Why can’t I post a Job on my account?
Only business pages are allowed to make use of the Jobs feature. You can use your account to create a page, and then, make a Job Post.
How much do I have to pay for a Job post on Facebook?
Publishing a Job Post on Facebook is free. This is Facebook’s way of helping business owners, especially small-scale businesses. So, enjoy the luxury it affords.
What is the maximum number of Jobs you can post on Facebook?
To date, a limit to the number of Job Posts you can make from one business page has not been made. Therefore, the answer is none.
If you need the services of another for your brand, making use of the Jobs feature is a great idea.
This way, you can minimize cost and can check through the profile of your applicants to verify their authenticity and check out what their potential delivery can be.
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