Watch Age Restricted YouTube Videos (Do THIS First!)

Last updated on January 31st, 2023 at 10:58 am

The app called YouTube has always been one of the best channels through which information is gathered. There are more than a billion contents on that app.

Contents that leave you wowed after watching them, content that educates, informs and sparks your cognitive thinking.

Watch Age Restricted YouTube Videos

Owners of a YouTube channel have a certain level of freedom to share the content of their choice.

Anyone who owns a device that can operate the YouTube app has access to the contents on the platform. Given the fact that YouTube is open to people of different ages, it can be worrisome what a young person is being fed with.

To maintain a healthy mental state of a child or young teenager, there are certain content types that are not suitable for their age.

How can these contents that are not suitable for young minds be filtered from other informative content?

To this, YouTube operators have a system in place to check the kind of content viewed by people of a certain age range.

A provision called, “Age Restricted Videos” has been provided as a solution to this issue.

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What Are Age Restricted Videos on YouTube?

Age Restricted Videos are video content not allowed for viewers under the age of 18.

The law categorises people below this age as minors and are not privy to content that are branded for adults. Such contents can only be viewed by having the age of the viewer verified to be up to the age of 18 and above.

Generally, videos that are heavy on sexual content and with lots of exposure; the presence of gory imagery; the presence of heavy foul language etc. are categories of videos that are age restricted.

A list of age restricted videos on YouTube is accessible with a web browser.

The motive for restricting videos might be right. However, even for adults, the whole idea of going through the process of verification can be tasking and unpleasant.

In addition, there are times when access to these videos is needed for education.

The exasperation that comes with discovering that a particular video content of your choice on YouTube has been restricted cannot be pushed aside.

As a YouTube user who might have found certain videos as off-limit and you need access to these videos, there are a number of ways to watch age restricted videos.

Exciting right? Let’s find out how.


Ways to Watch Age Restricted YouTube Videos

Due to the demanding and sometimes annoying process of watching age restricted videos.

Worst of, is the complete denial of access to these videos, knowing the easiest and quickest ways to view these videos can be a blessing.

Different ways to bypass videos that are age restricted are explained below. Some of which will have a step by step guide on how to utilize the method.


Method 1: Making Use of The “nsfw” Site

  1. Don’t make use of the YouTube app itself. Make use of any browser like Firefox, or Chrome. This could work on an android phone or an iPhone.
  2. Type, and then Search for any video with an age restriction.
  • Click on any of the videos that pop up. Once you do this, you’re notified to sign in to allow you access to watch the video.
  1. Rather than clicking on the link to sign in, click on the Address on the search box (it is written
  2. Before the YouTube, type “nsfw” and then load it. Once you’ve done this, a page appears named “” With this, you can have access to watch any video of your choice without restrictions.

Other sites can be used as well. You can check them out using your web browser.


Method 2: Watching Videos Directly From Platforms that Permits the Viewing of these videos

There are platforms that can enable you to watch videos that are otherwise age restricted on YouTube.

All you have to do is sign into these platforms; follow the instructions given and fill in the details of the video you wish to watch.

You can copy the web address of these videos and open them on these platforms.

An example of one is the “nsfw” platform. This is more elaborate than watching videos from their site.

 See Also: How to Monetize TikTok Videos on YouTube


Method Three: Using Your VLC Player

You can watch age restricted videos using your VLC player. A guideline on how to do this is provided below:

  1. Open your VLC player.
  2. Click on More.
  3. Click on New streams.
  4. Copy the URL of the YouTube video you would like to watch and then paste it onto the address bar.
  5. Then click on the arrow beside the address bar. Automatically, you would be able to bypass the age restriction issue and then watch your video freely.

Having identified the various ways in which you can access age restricted videos on YouTube, it is also important to state clearly that, going through these different processes of accessing these videos every time you need to watch one can be a bit demanding.

For a minor, it is normal that you would rather opt for a quicker and less rigorous process to getting a thing done than taking the longer route.

This is why in as many different methods have been provided on how these restricted videos can be accessed, there’s a better way out that is easier and less stressful.

This involves the straight removal of age restrictions from your YouTube account.

You may be wondering if this is possible. Well, yes it is. And the good thing here is that you will be shown the way the removal of age restrictions can be achieved.


How to Remove Age Restriction on a YouTube Video

Below are the different ways to remove age restrictions from a YouTube video.


Disable The Restriction Mode

  1. Open your YouTube app, then log in if you haven’t done that before.
  2. Click on your Profile Picture at the top right corner.
  3. Then click on select settings.
  4. Go to the general section, scroll down, and you’d see “restricted mode.”
  5. If the restricted mode is enabled, click on it to disable it. That settles it.


Change Date of Birth

  1. Click on your profile picture at the top right corner.
  2. Click on manage your Google setting
  3. Go to the Personal Info tab.
  4. Then Click on the birthday option.
  5. You can change the birth date (if you aren’t 18 yet) to an age that is 18 and above. This is because you need to be 18 and above to be able to view certain videos. That’s all.

See Also: How to Tell if a YouTube Video is Monetized


Watch Age Restricted YouTube Videos FAQs


What category of videos is age restricted?

Generally, videos that are heavy on sexual content and nudity; the presence of gory imagery; the presence of heavy foul language etc. are categories of videos that are age restricted.

A list of age restricted videos on YouTube is accessible with a web browser.


Can age restricted videos be bypassed using an android mobile?

Change of date of birth; use of special apps and selected sites for viewing age restricted videos are all different ways to bypass the age-restriction protocol on YouTube using an android mobile device.




It’s clearly understood that age restrictions on YouTube videos might be quite necessary to guard the mental health of young individuals.

There are, however, occasions where certain videos that have been age restricted need access. On this occasion, it can be annoying to not have a way around this access denial.

It then becomes necessary to be equipped with knowledge on how to navigate through having access to YouTube restricted videos as provided in this content.


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Harrison Acha is a Digital Marketing Expert, Seasoned Blogger, Facebook Marketing Expert, Writer, SEO Expert, and Digital Content Creator. Have been in the IT industry for more than a decade, and helping both tech and non-tech professionals become more productive and less frustrated with technology. Follow me on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

PrimeGate Digital is a Result Driven Blog that strives to go beyond ‘Conventional Digital Marketing’ through digital innovation and performance marketing. We have experience working with world class brands and products.


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