Last updated on February 11th, 2024 at 10:37 am
Let me guess, you were using the Twitter app smoothly until you got a bumpy turn-in event with this message: “This request looks like it might be automated.”
I can understand the annoyance that is likely to follow. I was once in your shoes, and thinking I was the only one, I was quite perturbed until I searched Google and found a ton of other users who had the same issues. Some were able to solve theirs, while the others seemed unlucky.
Below is a list of possible causes of the issue to enable you to understand what it is and how best to tackle it. Along with the causes, I have included several solutions that have been of great help to a lot of users, as they were to me.
In case you were thinking you were experiencing this problem because your account is barely a month old or because your account is non-verified, that’s not true at all.
I had the same thought until I went to the Twitter community and saw various individuals who fall into all four categories being faced with the same issue.
I did some probing to try and get to the root of the matter, and I made some helpful discoveries.
Why Am I Getting the “This Request Looks Like It Might Be Automated” Prompt on Twitter?
There are several causes for this. However, in case you’re wondering what “automated request” is, it simply refers to:
- Tweets and retweets made by bots
- Follows and Likes made by bots.
- Twitter DMs sent by bots.
If bot activity is not discontinued after receiving the message, the account could risk getting suspended.
What is not considered an “automated request”?
Whatever activities you carry out manually fall under this classification, such as manually written, non-automated Twitter DMs, tweets, and retweets.
Below are some other possible reasons why you see the message:
Like and Follow Actions That Were Posted via a Bot
While using the Twitter app, likes and follows that are done with the use of bots would make the account get flagged by the spam filter.
If any posts are liked within a short period, the spam filter would suspect the user to be a bot and, as such, would flag the account.
Tweets That Were Automatically Made or Posted via a Bot
If you make a tweet with the use of a bot, the spam algorithm will spot it, and a restriction will be placed on your account.
To avoid this, tweets should be made manually, either by yourself or with the help of your account manager.
Re-Tweets That Were Automatically Made or Posted via a Bot
Similarly, the Twitter algorithm would spot retweets that are made with a hit or that seem to have been made with a bot.
If your retweets are not done manually, that could be the reason your account got restricted.
Twitter Direct Messages That Were Automatically Made or Posted via a Bot
Twitter rules require that you craft and send messages one by one (manually) to other users.
Failure to do this would place your account at risk of being restricted.
Now that we know the causes, let’s get to the solutions.
How to Fix This Request Looks Like it Might Be Automated on Twitter
Twitter has to make some corrections to their spam filters because several non-bot users have had this issue and have been unable to remedy it. Some were able to sit it out, while others had to seek other solutions.
Below are some of the steps that Twitter users have taken to address the challenge. Try them and let us know which one works for you.
1. Discontinue the Use of All Bots
For the time being, stop using whatever bots you have been using. The moment you get the message, this should be your first step.
If your reason for using bots is to grow your account, you would have to go through organic means, such as doing it manually or paying someone to do it manually.
2. Pause Your Twitter Activity for a While
When you receive this message, it is recommended that you stop being active on Twitter for some time. A 72-hour window is enough time to get the prompt issue sorted out.
Your inactivity can cause Twitter to look past the whole issue, especially if you come back online and ensure that you do not use bots to send messages.
3. Make Use of the Web Version
Rather than using the app, open Safari or your preferred internet browser on your device and browse to, Enter your details to log into your Twitter account and use the platform.
4. Be Patient
The suggested fixes above should help, but if they don’t, just wait patiently for a few hours, as the message indicates, and then try again.
5. Avoid Overtweeting.
A particular user mentioned that he got the message after making five posts within two minutes. This made the algorithm think he was a bot.
Therefore, avoid over tweeting. Sending too many messages in a very short period will give Twitter the impression that you are a bot.
6. Link your phone number to your Twitter account.
Twitter is primarily trying to reduce automated actions and remove fake users. To make your account look more authentic, link it to your personal or business phone number.
By doing this, you are indicating to Twitter that you are a human and not a bot.
While this is a step towards remediation, it is important that you use your real phone number, as some spammers have used fake numbers, and as such, Twitter has a hold against this.
Here is how to add your phone number to your Twitter account:
- Open the Twitter app or go to and log in to your Twitter account.
- On the mobile app, tap your profile picture, then go to “Settings and Privacy.”
- On the website, click your profile picture, then select “Settings and privacy.”
- Look for an option like “Account” or “Account Information.”
- Find the section to add a phone number (may be labeled as “Phone” or “Mobile”).
- Enter your phone number in the provided field.
- Twitter will send a verification code to your phone via SMS.
- Enter the code when prompted to verify your phone number.
- Once verified, your phone number will be linked to your Twitter account.
This Request Looks Like It Might Be Automated on Twitter FAQ
How do I know if my Twitter account is restricted?
To know this, log in and look for the message stating that your account has been locked.
How do I turn off automated Twitter?
If you would like to turn off the automated label, go to your Twitter settings and click “Turn off account automation.”
What does “automated” mean in a tweet?
Twitter automation refers to the process whereby you use algorithms and tools to carry out automated Twitter actions such as replying to DMs in your absence or making tweets at a scheduled time.
Why does Twitter say my account is automated?
Automated account labels are a means through which you get to identify an account that is a bot and spot the difference between human-run and non-human-run accounts.
How do you identify a Twitter bot?
Bots can be spotted by certain behaviors, such as releasing tweets nearby, liking several posts within a short period of time, etc.
Also, when you tweet short replies that appear to be automated, you can just get identified as a bot. Another way a bot can be identified is when similar content is tweeted at the same time.
Why are bots allowed on Twitter?
In reality, bots are not illegal on Twitter. The only criterion is that it must comply with Twitter’s rules. Some bots serve to provide entertaining or educational content, and these are allowed on Twitter.
Do I risk my account getting suspended?
As long as you:
- Perform all activities manually.
- Grow your account organically; your account is not going to be suspended.
Although Twitter might place temporary restrictions on some functions, the restrictions won’t last long.
However, you stand the risk of getting your account banned when:
- You make use of software and bots for follower growth
- You buy followers in bulk
- You make use of apps and mobile games that would enable you to grow your followers.
What is an example of a Twitter bot?
Twitter bots are of a wide range and serve different purposes.
An example of a bot is @Betelgeuse_3, which sends replies to tweets that contain the phrase.
Will I lose the followers I’ve earned?
As a Twitter user, your followers are secure before and after you get the message because you did not purchase them.
Final Thoughts
I know how frustrating it can be to encounter problems with a profile you’ve dedicated so much energy and time to building. You can enjoy smooth use of the Twitter app.
By ensuring strict adherence to the laid-down guidelines, you can enjoy the safe and steady growth of your account without having to deal with this or any other similar issue.
The message “THIS REQUEST LOOKS LIKE IT MIGHT BE AUTOMATED” is not limited to new or old users; rather, it’s triggered by activities that align with the spam filters’ algorithm.
By letting the algorithm know that you’re a human and not a bot, you stand a chance to enjoy your use of the app without having to click across this message again.
I greatly hope that any of this helps. If you can resolve the issue using a different method, we’d love to hear from you in our comments section.