Last updated on October 1st, 2022 at 12:02 pm
With the evolution that has happened in the feed algorithm of Facebook, knowing the best option to make use of as it relates to making a post on Facebook might be difficult.
It becomes even more difficult if you are not familiar with the different options available.

With the presence of Facebook news feed, stories and reels, which of these would serve you better?
How can you best combine all the available content publishing options on Facebook to maximize the Facebook space?
All of these questions are going to be answered in this article.
Discover which content publishing option would be best suited for your Facebook handle by reading through this write-up.
The newest addition to the Facebook space by Meta is the introduction of Facebook reels just like Instagram reels.
The trend has been from the regular uploading of content on your news feed to the introduction of Facebook stories.
Now, we have an addition which is the Facebook reels.
To be able to know which of the options to make use of, it is important to understand what each of the options is.
What are Facebook News Feed Posts, Stories and Reels?
Facebook News Feed
The Facebook News Feed stands as the oldest Facebook content publishing option in comparison to Facebook Stories and Facebook Reels.
Under the What’s on your mind box, you can create regular text content and publish, add a picture or upload only picture or video content.
It is the most functional content-generating option on Facebook.
Facebook Stories
Stories are the second content publishing feature that was introduced until the recent addition of reels.
In comparison to regular News Feed posts, Stories have a more exciting feel and personal touch.
It gives you the opportunity to upload curated content that filters out what you do not want to be viewed.
Stories function as slideshows providing very short-lived videos or pictures that can last for a maximum of 24 hours.
There is a special section dedicated to Stories on Facebook that makes it easily accessible.
Facebook Reels
Facebook reels are the most recent addition to the Facebook content publishing option.
It is similar in feature to the reels found on other platforms such as YouTube and Instagram.
Reels are found in the Facebook News Feed category of an account.
You can check out reels in relation to your interest.
Reels can be seen alongside Rooms and Stories in a News Feed section that is new and dedicated to the purpose of posting reels.
You can add audio to reels using those of other reels you appreciate or selecting from the Music Library on Facebook.
There are duration options of 15 seconds, 30 seconds and 60 seconds to select from when posting a reel.
You can increase the speed of the reel up to 3x its normal speed and can make use of the count-down timer to record your reel.
There are special effects made available for you to make use of in editing your reel before uploading.
Should I Post Reels, Stories or Update my News Feed?
The best content publishing option to use is dependent on the kind of content you want to upload and your intent for uploading it.
To be able to choose which of the options will be best for you, let’s explore the differences between these options across various subjects.
The News Feed post can be available and accessible in an account for as long as an account remains active. The news feed can last for as many years as possible until it is intentionally deleted.
You can always access a News feed post you made on your Facebook handle no matter how long it has been.
In fact, Facebook sends you reminders of certain posts when it is an anniversary of such posts.
Making a News Feed post is a good way of saving memory on Facebook for a long time.
Stories and reels have a short life span on Facebook.
They are best suited for uploading in a situation where you do not want the content being published to exist for long on the Facebook platform.
Given the shortness of their span on Facebook, Stories and reels help you maintain a neater account as they are less cluttered but might not be suitable for business as you need content that potential clients can refer to.
Stories can be accessed via the Facebook website, the Facebook mobile app and the Messenger application.
The News feed post is only available for access either using the Facebook website or the Facebook application.
Reels are made visible in the News Feed section of your account. They can still be accessed alongside Stories and the Room section of your account.
Stories have a dedicated section at the top of your homepage.
News Feed posts are made visible in the News Feed section of your account.
With an analysis of these three, the reels are made more visible on Facebook as it has more spaces where they can be made public.
The next option that is more visible is Facebook Stories due to the special section it has that makes it more visible to the public.
In comparison to the three, the News Feed option is the least visible.
News Feed is the only option out of the three options that allow engagements.
People can like or react and comment on your News Feed post on Facebook but this is not possible with Facebook reels and stories.
Record Keeping of Views
You can only find the record of those that have reacted; liked, and commented on your News Feed but you cannot see the record of those who have viewed your post without making any form of engagement.
With Facebook Reels and Stories, you get to see a record of those that have viewed your post but you do not have the luxury of engagements from your audience.
Once you have your Facebook Stories and Reels uploaded to your Facebook account, you do not have the opportunity to have the post edited in a situation where there is a need to do so.
The best you can do is to delete the Reel or Story published.
For the News Feed content, the editing feature is enabled. You can edit posts made after it has been published on your Facebook account.
Special Effects
The features available for making your News Feed posts look creative and unique are limited.
Both Facebook Reels and Stories have different features that can be added to the content created to make it unique.
Special effects, music, animation etc. can be added to your Story or Reel to make it more appealing and creative in appearance.
Audience and Privacy
While setting up the category of users that should constitute your audience, all three content publishing options have similar Privacy options.
However, for Stories, choosing the Public option makes your Facebook stories open to those who are only your friends on Messenger but not on Facebook.
The recently introduced Facebook reel option comes with the added prospect of monetization.
Yes, you can passively earn from your Facebook reels if you invest in releasing authentic and good content that is in sync with the content and reel monetization policy of the Facebook community.
Facebook News Feed vs Your Story vs Reels FAQs
Can I monetize Facebook reels?
Facebook has made it possible for you to earn from Facebook reels. You can monetize your reel content.
Learn all that you need to do to make it possible for you to earn from your reels and begin to make money from your reels by the side.
Do Facebook reels disappear?
Reels have a short span on Facebook.
Reels uploaded in the Story section of your account will only last for one day.
To decide if you are going to create a Facebook Reel, Story or make a regular News Feed post, simply consider what you intend to achieve with the content you are generating then, choose which of the three will work best for you.
Give your Facebook account a distinct feel by making use of all three publishing options at different intervals.
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