Facebook Dating Not Showing Up (Do THIS First!)

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Last updated on May 28th, 2023 at 02:53 pm

Facebook Dating is the latest update to the Facebook network. With Facebook dating, you can interact and connect with like-minded people.

You might probably get to bond and create a lasting relationship with them via the platform. 

How to Fix Facebook Dating Not Showing Up

To set up an account on Facebook dating, you only need an email address. You can’t use the same profile you use for the main Facebook platform. 

After signing in via your dating profile, you will be recommended to users and vice versa. You can also search and filter users according to your hobbies, place of residence and interests. 

In certain instances, if a user catches your fancy, you might not have to patiently wait for them to send you the first message. Facebook Messenger allows you to message them. 

Even though Facebook dating has met rave reviews and widespread acceptance since its introduction, a lot of users have been experiencing issues and difficulties.

In this article, we will be addressing one of them — we’ll reveal to you easy ways to fix Facebook dating not showing up.

Perhaps you have deleted your Facebook dating app and struggling to get it back, here’s How to get the Facebook dating app back.


Why Isn’t Facebook Dating Available?

Facebook is one of the most widely used social messaging platforms in the world, with more than a billion users monthly. This makes Facebook a tech juggernaut. 

There are plenty of reasons why you are experiencing the “Facebook Dating won’t show up” challenge. 

Here are some reasons why Facebook Dating won’t show up:


Facebook Dating Cannot be Accessed in your Region

A good reason why you can’t access Facebook Dating is that the platform is restricted in your country. 

Facebook Dating app is only limited to very few countries. These include: 

United States, Brazil, Bolivia, Canada, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Guyana, Colombia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Mexico, Peru, Paraguay, Philippines, Suriname, Uruguay, and Vietnam.

Anyone residing in the countries listed above can enjoy Facebook dating and access all its features. But the reverse is the case for countries not on the list. 

If Facebook Dating is not yet launched in your country of residence, you will have to wait patiently. At the moment, Facebook is working towards broadening its dating platform accessibility.

We hope this will happen in the near future. 

See Also: How to Save Videos on Facebook to Your Phone or PC


Age Concerns

If you can access Facebook dating in your place of residence but find it difficult to use the service, it could be that you are below eighteen years of age.

If this is the case, Facebook dating won’t show up, and you won’t access the platform. 

Only people above the age of eighteen can access the Facebook Dating platform. It is a standard rule for most dating platforms, and Facebook dating is no exception.

They are authorised to disable your account if your Facebook profile indicates that you are below eighteen years of age. 

Don’t think you can manoeuvre your way into the platform by falsifying your age. You can easily be caught, leading to the banning of your account. 

There are several instances where users have reported that they are unable to access the dating platform, only to find out that the source of the problem is their inability to specify their age on their profile.

So it is highly important that you update your date of birth and fill in the accurate data. 

To update your date of birth, Follow these steps:

Access your profile and then the “about” page. Then, click on “contact and basic information”. Scroll to the lower area and click on your birth date settings. Change the date and tap “Save”.


Poor Internet Connection

If you are experiencing difficulties signing in to Facebook Dating, you will have to check your internet connection.

Try checking other apps like Twitter, Instagram, UC Browser or Firefox. Find out if you can browse pictures, videos or audio files. 

If there are no problems with those apps, navigate to the Facebook settings tab to confirm if you have enabled the app to connect to the internet.

If you have done everything right and your internet connection is not the source of the problem, check the next section in this article. 


Old Version of Facebook App

If you are currently using an outdated or obsolete version of the Facebook app, you will be frustrated by plenty of glitches.

This is why it is absolutely important that you update your Facebook app whenever new versions emerge.

This will give you access to exciting features, protect your data and secure your online identity. 

Do a quick search for Facebook on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store on your mobile device.

Whenever there’s a fresh update for you, you’ll find the “update” tab beside the “install” option. Tap the “Update” tab to allow the process of upgrade to begin.

After that, launch the app. This should rectify any issues with the Facebook Dating platform. 

See Also: Why Your Facebook Dating App Notification is Not Working


How to Fix Facebook Dating Not Showing Up


Wipe Your Phone’s Cache

In order to enhance app functionality and speed up load times, all mobile apps save a certain amount of cache data.

Although this will help the app perform better, the cache data can become damaged, negatively impacting the UX (user experience). 

If this happens, you can rectify it by occasionally removing the cache file. It might cause your phone to become laggy for a short period, but things will normalise later.

In fact, most people do not even experience the lag. 


Facebook Server Downtime

Although this doesn’t happen all the time, server issues can disrupt Facebook services causing challenges for users. 

To find out if this is an issue, contact your friends and loved ones to know if they are experiencing similar challenges. 

Facebook server downtime can occur for many reasons. But whenever that happens, it can be difficult to access features and services.

However, once you confirm that they are experiencing the same issue, give it some time. The problem will be rectified in no time.


Set up Facebook App Notifications

At times, disabling Facebook app notifications will entirely mess up the app’s functionality and cause glitches. This might be the cause of the problem with your Facebook Dating profile. 

To rectify this, ensure that your Facebook app notification is enabled on your device. After that, relaunch the app and check if the issue has cleared up. 


Reinstall the Facebook Application

A good way to rectify glitches or app malfunctions is by reinstalling a particular app. A simple reinstallation will fix any abnormalities or errors in the app. 

Navigate to your phone’s Settings menu. Access the app settings and locate the Facebook app. Afterwards, empty the app’s cache memory before you then uninstall it. 

Once you are done with the app uninstallation, restart your mobile device. Next, head to your respective app store and enter “Facebook” in the search box. Go to the app area and install it. 

Hopefully, this should fix some of the issues you are facing. 


Test the App on a Different Phone

Another great technique is to install and sign in to the app on a separate smartphone.

Log in to your Facebook profile before accessing the Facebook dating platform. If it works, then the problem only affects your phone. 

If that is the case, it’s best to access the platform via PC version. It’s most likely that the problem is exclusive to your phone and could be fixed by an update later. 


Reach Out to the Facebook Team

As a last resort, try reaching out to the Facebook support team. You can contact them via phone or email and explain to them the challenges you are facing with Facebook Dating.

You will receive practical remedies that will resolve the “Facebook Dating Not Showing Up” issue. In case of a bug or glitch, the Facebook Support will share the details with you.


FAQs About How to Fix Facebook Dating Not Showing Up


How do I Access Facebook’s Dating Feature?

To access Facebook Dating service, you have to be above the age of eighteen. If you are eligible, head to your app store, then download Facebook.

Log into Facebook. If the Dating platform has been launched in your country, you should be able to see it on the upper left panel of the home page. 


Where is the Facebook Dating Shortcut?

Facebook Dating is one of Facebook’s newest services. It enables users to find lasting romance and build meaningful relationships without logging out of their Facebook account.

To find the dating shortcut, navigate to the “More” area of the app and click on it.

Please note that Facebook is only available in a few countries like Colombia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, and Spain. 


When a User’s Dating Profile is no Longer Visible, What Does it Mean?

If you can’t access your friend’s dating profile, it implies that their account has been deactivated. This can also happen if the person wants to remain incognito on the service. 


How do I Clear my Facebook App Cache? 

Facebook’s cache is an important component of the app’s performance. It stores your old data, cookies and records from the site to improve load times. To empty your cache, head to your app settings and empty your entire cache.



This article has analysed all the practical steps you can use to rectify the “Facebook Dating not showing up” issue.

If you have followed all the steps above, you should have fix the issue with Facebook dating not working.

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Harrison Acha is a Digital Marketing Expert, Seasoned Blogger, Facebook Marketing Expert, Writer, SEO Expert, and Digital Content Creator. Have been in the IT industry for more than a decade, and helping both tech and non-tech professionals become more productive and less frustrated with technology. Follow me on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

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