Last updated on January 31st, 2023 at 07:37 am
Most Instagram users experience tagging difficulties. This can be frustrating and worrying for many. But you don’t have to feel bad about it.
In this article, we have explored the ways in which you can tag anyone on Instagram. We have also rectified some common tagging challenges.
Instagram is among the most effective communication platforms for photo sharing with loved ones and friends. As more Instagram users showcase their pictures and short video clips, there is a surge of positivity, bonding and togetherness.
Tagging is an amazing feature common to Instagram. It is a common way of inviting people to see your pictures. So it is understandable when Instagram users face frustration because they can’t tag others.
Glitches and bugs are prevalent on Instagram and can impede one’s ability to gain new followers or build your account engagement.
This is why it is important that you rectify the “Instagram tagging not working” problem so that you will be able to grow your account, improve your follower count and engage better with your followers.
So, lets get started on how to fix Instagram tagging not working.
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8 Reasons Why Tags are Not Working on Instagram?
There can be a lot of reasons for Instagram tagging not working problems. For one, it could be that the user has deactivated tagging or you have recently set up your account.
Another reason could be that you have tagged lots of users in your post.
If you are experiencing difficulties tagging other users, you will have to evaluate what caused the problem.
Once you have found out the source of the problem, you will find it easy to provide solutions or rectifications.
As we have earlier reiterated, the inability to tag other users is a common glitch or flaw on Instagram.
Adding salt to the injury, Instagram refuses to reveal the cause of the tagging glitch.
Thus, this section of the article will explore some of the most popular causes of Instagram tagging, not working problems.
1. Tags Have Been Disabled
This is the most common reason for tag features not functioning on Instagram. There’s always a possibility that the user whom you are trying to tag has deactivated his account’s tag feature.
The fact is that if whomever you want to tag has toggled on the “manually approve tags” option located in the settings menu, it will be impossible for their tag to appear unless it is approved by them.
The “manually approve tags” feature lets Instagram users decide which users can tag them. Any Instagram user can easily toggle on this feature in their privacy settings.
If the Instagram account you have tried to tag has the feature activated, you won’t be able to tag the user until they authorise it.
So there is a likelihood that your tag has not yet been approved, or the user may have forgotten that he has enabled the feature in the first place.
In another instance, it might turn out that the user may not have noticed the tag notification. If this happens, the tag feature won’t work.
But the most important thing is that without the user approving the tag, it won’t appear. You will have no problem tagging those who have deactivated the settings.
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2. New Account
Instagram typically limits some features in newly created accounts. For instance, users of these accounts may be restricted in the number of tagging they can do, posts they can like or users they may unfollow or follow.
You might find it difficult to tag other users in your posts if you have newly opened your account.
Lots of Instagram users have made complaints about their inability to tag other users in their posts.
Why does Instagram restrict features on new accounts?
This is to tackle the activities of robots, spammers and automation drastically. These temporary blocks stop users from taking repetitive actions. An example of such a block is restricted tagging.
Thus, new account owners may find it difficult to access features like tagging, unfollow/follow and “like” posts. This is to reduce instances of platform abuse.
A lot of new accounts seem to use bots or automation to tag multiple accounts simultaneously. Instagram aims to prevent this.
So, understand that you may experience temporary difficulties in tagging users if your account is newly created.
3. You Tagged an Abnormally High Number of Users
The last reason why your Instagram tagging is not working is that you must have tagged an abnormally high number of users in your post.
Every Instagram user is limited to tagging only 20 users per post. If you tag above that number, it will be difficult for you to post the picture.
Furthermore, you are restricted to a maximum of five mentions in a single comment. If anything above this, you might experience difficulties in posting comments.
These rules are put in place to curtail the activities of spammers. So you can understand why there’s a restriction on tagging users.
However, you can make use of your comment section if you plan to tag above 20 users in your post. You can also mention them in your caption.
Other minor reasons why your Instagram tagging might not be working are:
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4. Tagging When You Don’t Have Access to the Internet
As a precaution, ensure that you are properly connected to the internet before tagging. Instagram sometimes might work offline because it saves already loaded content. If you have no internet connection, it will be impossible to tag users.
So make sure you have internet access before checking other potential causes of the problem.
5. Private Account
You might find it difficult to tag or mention users with private accounts on your post, stories or comments unless you send them a request and they accept it.
6. Spelling Error
There is a huge difference between Instagram usernames and account names. The former is hard to memorise and confusing.
Ensure that the username is correctly spelt.
If you have difficulties tagging someone, it could be that the person may have changed his or her username.
If you can’t figure out the proper spelling of their username, head to their profile and write out their username.
7. Leaving out the “@.”
On Instagram, it is compulsory to include the “@” symbol when tagging any user. It might be difficult for Instagram to detect the account you wish to tag if you input a blank username.
Always add the “@” symbol whenever you tag someone on Instagram. Also, ensure the username is correct and your request has been accepted (for private accounts).
If you want to tag multiple users, don’t forget to add “@” individually to each account.
8. Blocked or Deactivated Account
If any user has blocked you or deactivated his or her account, it will be impossible to tag him or her. Any account that has been disabled or deactivated won’t show up when you try to tag it.
So find out if the account is still valid on Instagram before tagging.
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How to Fix Instagram Tagging Not Working
There are many ways to rectify the Instagram tagging not working issue.
You can reach out to the user to approve your tag or patiently wait for a few weeks (for new users) or limit the number of people you are trying to tag.
Ensure you have followed whichever user you are trying to tag in your post.
If you use a newly created account, you should understand that some of its features will be limited. For instance, you may experience restrictions on the number of people you are willing to tag.
For older accounts, there’s a restriction placed on the number of users one can tag.
In some cases, a user could have toggled on the “manually approved tags” option. You will have to contact them to approve your tag. Or else, their tag may not appear.
Request the User Approve Your Tag
A good way to rectify the Instagram tag not working problem is to make a request to the user to approve your tag.
This is especially useful if he or she has toggled on the “manually approve tags” option. In this case, you will have to reach out to them to approve your tag; else it won’t show up in your post.
If you find out that a user’s tag is no longer visible, it might be because they have activated the “manually approve tags” option.
So patiently wait for them to approve your tag. As soon as it is approved, you will see it on your tag.
Without their approval, their tag won’t be visible on your post.
Wait for a few weeks
Another way of rectifying your tag problem on Instagram is to wait a few weeks for the tag feature to be activated on your account. This method always works for new accounts.
We have stated that newer accounts may experience plenty of restrictions in terms of features and functionalities. So it is important to wait for a while if your account is new.
If you have set up your account recently, you may find it difficult to tag other users. So waiting solves this.
You can circumvent this by following the user you want to tag.
But typically, waiting a few weeks will enable Instagram to “authenticate” your account.
Ensure you don’t tag too many users
Don’t be tempted to tag too many users in your Instagram post. The maximum number of persons you can tag is twenty. Anything more than that, you won’t be able to post your photo.
Other effective solutions include:
- Clear the Instagram app’s cache.
- Update the app to the latest version.
- Log out and log in again.
- Restart your smartphone.
- Contact the Instagram support centre.
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Instagram Tagging Not Working FAQs
How many people can you tag on Instagram?
Generally, the number of users you can tag per post is limited to twenty. For Instagram stories, you are limited to mention ten users.
If you exceed this number, you might get stealth banned.
Why can’t I tag Someone on Instagram?
It could be due to one of the following reasons:
- You’ve tagged an excessive number of users.
- The user you intend to tag has enabled the “manually approve tag” option.
- Your account is new.
How do I Enable Instagram Tagging?
On Instagram, navigate to Settings -> Privacy -> Tags to activate tagging.
Share your memories on Instagram and tag your buddies and loved ones whenever you like. If you have any enquiries or are still experiencing tag difficulties, you can contact Instagram Support.
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